Notes of 19.11.2007 after reading The Triumphal Sun:
Many seekers are being called travelers of the Path
but no one can claim to be a full sufi yet.
A traveler may arrives or get lost on the Way.
The Forest of Dunya is never kind to travelers
who enter it without a tested Guide.
Without a Weapon of Tawhid.
Without a Light of Discrimination-Furqan.
Buying sufic books and reading many old jawi
or Arabic kitab/texts of commentaries cannot help one
to see in the night of modernists anti-sufi.
On daytime the goats from the University Farms will attack
and chew up the green books because they are very hungry
and not trained well by their Masters and Dukturs
who prefer to feed them with spiritual empty grasses
and syllabus from the Orientalist wastelands.
(Dont ask me who is Hsue Tou and Neo-Hsue Tou, too late to learn mandarin and open the Blue Cliff Record of Thomas Cleary)
My student Zuigan Commentary ( free style spining poem)
Maulana Rumi Mountain collect clouds
Darqawi Deserts pour the rains
Half falls north of Master Izi River
Half falls into Attendant Zuigan Hut
Others may be stuck at Old Temples
Those who fear the Reality will be given knowledge
Do not say I have not warned you
A sufi a zen a monk still a name
Forest, desert and mountains
They cheat people most time
Or make them fight in politics
Sichuan Lu Xun Pur Erh
The Tea of China never Smells
Three sufi will make loud Noise
One solitary wali sat facing a city Wall
Music and drums they sell Tariqats
Kitaro and Wu Ming is my Friend
Leave all books journal and papers
Took the Sun burning Path
Where Universities cannot teach
Tubba alal-ghuraba
Fasalamun ala man tabaal-huda
Rabbi habli hukman wa ahiqni bis-salihin