Bismillah! yang dapat duduk dalam lingkaran ini
adalah yang berhati bening..walaupun kesalahan menutupinya,
dengan ijin Allah! masya Allah la quwatta ila billah
- hasbuna Allah wanimal wakil...
Pengetahuan terbesar adalah pengetahuan
yang di iringi rasa takut (kepada Allah). (ibn Ata'illah)
Hanya orang bodoh dan tertipu yang merasa dirinya tinggi
dan rendah karena apa yang ada ditangannya (al-faqir)
Pecinta sejati tiada bertepi, rindu tanpa batas
dan cinta tanpa kahir, tidak dimiliki dan memiliki (al-faqir)
Aku akan berjalan ribuan kilometer bersama kepalsuan,
sampai aku bisa menemukan satu langkah yang benar dan sejati (al-Junayd)
For those who travel to Allah and do not listen to its conversation or follow its opinion, it is like a strong wind released for sailors. In one hour, it makes them arrive whereas others arrive there after a month or a year. Allah knows best. When someone halts with conversation and opinion, by Allah, he remains becalmed, at a standstill, as occurs to sailors. Such is its nature. We think that the one who leaves what does not concern him will find that the least of means is enough for him. If he does not leave it, nonthing will be enough for him, no matter what he does. (Shaykh ad-Darqawi)
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