1. IGD (Sdn Bhd) started somewhere in 2003 by Dr.Shamshudeen Yunus (ex-Abrar director) to mint gold dinar in kuala lumpur. Later he collaborated with chinese investors to operate an gold account exchange and forex dealing or accounts in gold. They also control another company named ISLAMIC MINT SDN BHD to do the minting. First, IGD stand for 'Islamic gold dinar', later changed it to 'International gold dinar'.
2. IGD managed to confuse the public by forming an IGD SYARIAH CONTROL COUNCIL using several alim and scholars such as ex-mufti of Perlis, University lecturers, Imam of Bukhari Mosque KL etc.
3. In 9 Feb.2007, IGDX Ltd was registered in Adelaide, Australia to raise 2 million Australian Dollars share to start buying and mining gold activity. It was launched prominently in Kuala Lumpur by the TPM Najib Tun Razak in 14 Feb.2007.
4. IGD claimed to operate a gold refinery in Penang, branch trading in Indonesia, Hong Kong and signing MOU with a Kazakstan mining company.
5. When gold price was good and rising, IGD making hefty profits. Its report a turnover of RM9 million and profit of RM3 million in 2006 (Is this real or bluff ?)
6. A friend went to IGD office in KL Plaza to buy one dinar. After paying, one IGD officer insisted he convert it to Dinar Account. He refused and just bolted away from the office after locked up several minutes. Just with one real Dinar, IGD may opened endless DInar Account with several real buyers if they do not take the real Dinar away ! This is derivative riba business !
7. In 2008, IGD was warned to cease the unlawful financial practices by representatives of World Islamic Trading Organization WITO and excluded from connection with the nusantara amirates.
8. IGDX was delisted on 2 MAC 2009 from Australia Securities exchange ASX bcos of failures to adhere to trading and business rules.(Running away with investors money !) Beware...! Your Dinar Account may be useless, cannot claim paper money !
9. IGD failures was compounded by the rise several competitors in minting the gold dinar in Malaysia such as Kelantan Dinar, Public Dinar, Dinar Dirham International and in Indonesia by PT Logam Mulia, Islamic Mint Nusantara, Wakala Induk Nusantara, etc.
10. The return and circulation islamic gold dinar must done correctly in the name and command of Allah, supervised or connected to leadership and community needs, not
individual interest and vulture profits disregard the riba/usurious practices.
11. 'Those who spend in the Way of Allah, will be rewarded sevenfold or more...' :Quran. Those who take riba will not stand up in the Day of Rising...."