Abbas Firman (former amir of jakarta) creator of DinarFirst and Islamic Mint Nusantara is an impostor.
There is no power except by Allah. Victory belongs to Allah. By this knowledge as my only authority I started a movement to return the Dinar and the Dirham as the currency of the Muslim Ummah and the Shariah currency valid to pay and receive Zakat.
Allah is my witness that our work has been from the start a work fisabilillah: we have worked for the sake of Him and His pleasure only; we have not compromise with His Shariah which remains a non-negotiable matter and with this intention in our hearts we have started what a victorious fight back against Riba and his servants. In this fight Allah is our Commander. And Allah knows best.
We have in the last 20 years of work occasionally encountered individuals which came to us at first with apparent sincerity in our cause fisabilillah, pledge alliance to our authority but later separated from us, often to engage in outrageous scams which we dissapproved of. One of this men is Abbas Firman.
Abbas Firman, representing DinarFirst and Islamic Mint Nusantara, came to us with the apparent intention of helping our cause and we consequently welcomed him and educated him on what the Dinar and Muamalat are. He knew nothing before he met us. In the last few months Abbas Firman broke his alliance to us and started a path of his own. His companies separated and continue to separate from our Wakala Induk Nusantara and Jawara that follow World Islamic Mint and WITO standards in Indonesia. Adding insult to injury, his "copy coins" are sold at different prices that our standard prices (at times higher and at times lower), creating confusion amongst some users in Indonesia. This behavior of his is not working for the Dinar but against the Dinar.
In addition, against my consent, Mr Firman has used my name and my work in Indonesia spreading the ideas of the Dinar in order to promote his "private venture". While he is free to do whatever he likes as a private individual we strongly object to the use of our names, our terminology and ideas, and our logos and designs misguiding people into belief that his coins are the same as ours. We have also heard that he is claiming to have the authority of our Shaykh, Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi to do what he does. As Khalifa of the Shaykh I deny this statement as being utterly false.
Abbas Firman does not belong to our movement.
We stand before Allah for what we say. May Allah forgive us for our shortcomings and we turn to Him in Tawba. Amin.
@Umar Vadillo
Founder of WIM and WITO
posted from Jakarta
Extra Notes: Pebisnis Dinar Yang Menyimpang (berita dari WakalaIndukNusantara 4.2.2010)
ReplyDeletePada 2006, seorang pelaku Asuransi Syariah, mendatangi Ir.Zaim Saidi, saat itu pemimpin Wakala Adina (sejak 2002, kini Wakala Induk Nusantara), untuk mempelajari Dinar Dirham. Atas panduan dari pimpinan Adina ini ia ikut mendirikan Wakala. Sayangnya, dia mengutak-atik aturan wakala, dia menggabungkan jasa penukaran Dinar Dirham dengan bisnis investasi, berkedok qirad. Dalam qirad palsu ini setiap nasabah pembeli Dinar langsung ditawari agar menitipkan Dinarnya kepada si pengelola. Kemudian Dinar yang dititipkan itu dijual kembali kepada nasabah lain untuk mendapat untung, begitu seterusnya. Artinya sekeping Dinar boleh dijual kepada beberapa nasabah: mirip binari money game yang dilarang dienul Islam dan pemerintah RI.
Pihak Wakala Adina pun meminta agar praktek tersebut dihentikan. Tetapi, yang muncul adalah si pelaku justru memutuskan hubungan dengan Wakala Adina, dan memaklumatkan diri sebagai Toko Emas, dengan brand tertentu. Selanjutnya dia mengeluarkan jurus bisnis baru, yaitu mengkreditkan Dinar emas, padahal dalam muamalat Dinar emas tidak boleh dikreditkan, karena merupakan mata uang dan bukan komoditas! Sejurus kemudian dia juga menjual belikan account Dinar, yaitu transaksi Dinar tanpa koin emasnya, dan Dinar dipakai cuma sebagai kedok, mirip transaksi uang di pasar valas. Hal ini memicunya untuk menerbitkan harga Dinar spekulatif.
Penyimpangan Oknum Bekas Amir Lokal
Selama dua tahun saya membantu seorang amir lokal untuk mendirikan percetakan koin. Setelah pencetakan ini berdiri dan telah mencetak Dirham pertamanya, terjadi perubahan, yakni didirikannya Amirat Indonesia, sebagaimana disebut di atas. Rupanya amir lokal ini tidak senang dengan pengangkatan tersebut, dan mulai bersikap nyeleneh. Mulailah terjadi penyimpangan, memanipulasi hubungan dengan WITO, dan timbul persoalan dengan sejumlah "investor". Semakin lama dia juga menunjukkan sikap konfrontasi kepada Amirat Indonesia, membangkang atas kebijakan yang lebih otoritatif. Masyarakat pun menjadi bingung, antara lain dengan adanya kurs Dirham dan Dinar yang berbeda-beda.
Maka sejak Senin, 2 November 2009, karena banyaknya penyimpangan dan kebingungan masyarakat, Amir Zaim Saidi dari Amirat Indonesia membebastugaskan oknum ini dari jabatan amir lokal. Tetapi karena dia merasa telah mengeluarkan modal besar untuk mendirikan minting, dan melibatkan sejumlah pihak, maka dia bersiteguh. Tiga orang pengikutnya berbaiat dan mengangkat dia sebagai "amir". Secara terbuka mereka menyatakan tidak lagi terkait dengan WITO dan WIM, dan keluar dari otoritas yang ada. Motif pencetakan Dirham Dinar tidak lagi mengikuti syariat Islam, tapi sebagai tumbal bisnis.
Untuk keterangan lanjut sila baca - Pebisnis Dinar Yang Menyimpang bertarikh 4 Feb.2010 di website Wakala Induk Nusantara (http://wakalanusantara.com)
ReplyDeleteThis whole matter of establishing an Islamic economic model in a country of two hundred million Muslims, who had in the past centuries practised precisely such a model of economics under the Nusantara Sultanate, cannot be done in a bureaucratic method. It requires a correct understanding of the model which has to be based under the direct supervision of the Amirate. Pak Zaim has established that very Amirate and as a leader of the whole movement collects zakat as an Ameer and distributes it and mints the Dinar and the Dirham as an Ameer and has been the cause of the re-emergence of the Islamic markets. The Amirate is the sole criterion in Muslim practice that determines the credibility of such matters of grave importance as coinage, zakat and markets. The future of Indonesia's economic strength cannot be without the Amirate. This is the requirement in Islam.
In connection to this, it is noteworthy to mention here that Pak Zaim has been facing some competition from two other business institutions that mint Dinars and Dirhams but with a profit motive. The two institutions - Dinar First and Gerai Dinar - have been selling the coins as a collectors' item firstly but with the promotion of keeping savings in gold and silver. This has caused some minor confusion amongst the people of Indonesia. Howbeit, Dinar First and Gerai Dinar is not functioning on the basis of an Amirate and therefore not collecting and distributing zakat. Secondly, they have not organised markets to facilitate the use of the coins as currency and thirdly they have profit motives which will not allow them to last long. Most Indonesians who are familiar with the coins realise that with Pak Zaim's work, it is about the re-establishment of the foundations of the Deen of Islam - Zakat, markets and business contracts for example - whereas in the case of Dinar First and Gerai Dinar, it is about profit. In Islam, the Ameer has to be obeyed first in matters of coinage then the fixing of weights and measures (which is obedience to market laws). If Dinar First and Gerai Dinar are not doing this then they do not seem to have any need to mint the coins other than for business reasons like the selling of a collector's item which occasions to be a good store of value. This any individual can do and has no collective cause.
The coins should be minted, distributed and used in markets as a solution to the problem of the rupiah, and to the problem of Capitalism's take-over of production and trade. This can only function under an Amirate, otherwise the whole effort cannot last long. This is the wisdom of the economic model of Islam.
@11 July 2010 by Hasbullah Shafyi
Abbas Firman is not an impostor - it is Mr.Vadillo who is an impostor. END OF STORY!
ReplyDeleteOh Muslimeen! Please note: All the dajjals will be exposed - the Murabitun leadership are FREEMASONS! Know your Deen Oh Muslimeen! They are on a mission to confuse us and impose on us their version of Islam which is nothing to do with the fiqh of Imam Malik (Radi'Allahu Anhu)- study the fiqh and compare the practices of the Murabitun - it just doesn't add up!They claim to be Malikis but do not practice the fiqh with scrupulousness.Please investigate before accusing people of being impostors.