Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Aqida, Amal and Jamaat

As an individual, we lost the political power. As citizen, we become slave of the state. As consumer, we are swamped by material goods. As we accept paper money, we enslaved by banks and usurious system. As one take up arm, one is defeated militariry and branded as terrorist. How do we begin to take Allah deen and commands ?. This article show the pointers....)

In the present world situation it is important that we, the Muslim nation, both protect and propagate the Deen. On the face of it, admittedly, it appears confusing. We have been landed with a secret society of terrorists in a secretly funded and executed guerrilla war. There is a hidden leadership with a hidden agenda, and one highly dubious, iconic ‘Old Man of the Mountains’. While pretending to be Islamic, they slaughter Muslims. Yet at the same time that they pose as ‘extremist’ Muslims, they have a zero ideological position. The founding terrorist groups of 19th century Russia had Proudhon, Bakunin and Marx. The Chinese revolutionaries had Mao’s Little Red Book. Yet when they call on us to rise up and destroy, they do not tell us what they are calling us to establish.

Since Deen is not founded on ideology but on ‘aqida and ‘amal and jama’at, how can we, the Muslim masses, fall behind them when they have no jama’at, we cannot approve of their ‘amal, and we know nothing of whatever ‘aqida they may claim? Added to this is that while terrorism and anarchism have an ideological base, Deen has a ruhani base which traces social equity back to the right-acting individual. ‘Birr’ is a term both of Fiqh and Tasawwuf. Qadi Iyad’s ‘Tartib al-Mudarak’ was written to demonstrate that, properly speaking, the Shari‘at is not founded on canon principles, but in reality is founded on right-guided and right-acting individuals. In other words, without a just Qadi there can be no just society. The existence of the zahid fuqaha is the evidentiary necessity of a Muslim society.

Our present difficulty does not lie with these people, but in the bitter fact that kafir media and indeed state authorities in some cases have taken this as a licence to persecute the Muslims and in a massive anti-Da’wa have used these grisly events to stand as a denunciation of Islam itself.

In order to steady our own ship of state, which at present has no commanding officer on the bridge, just as, in our metaphor, in a similar situation the sailors without a captain would simply go back to the basic rules of sailing in order to survive, so we must return to the basic essentials of our Deen in order to steady the boat and give a safe passage. Our compass, the Book of Allah, gives us clear guidance. So important to the Deen is it, that we repeat it in at least five Salat in a day.

The first benefit we gather from this modest glance at our Fatiha is that this affair is a Divine matter that can never be reduced to the dialectics and vengeance of a chaotic insurrection led by an embittered secret society which is now no longer secret, for Allah has laid bare their identity through His ruling of the universe from within the universe, devoid of interventions yet held in constant dynamic by His generous answering of the prayers of the muminun.

Now it is clear that in effect there is no such thing as Al‑Qaeda, and this was confirmed to us by the foolish Saudi ambassador to Britain when, in a TV interview, he mentioned their name 20 times. It had to mean they were not what he said, but something else, and what that something else turns out to be is the embittered second and third generation wave of wahhabis turning against their two old enemies, the Saudi tribe and the great Jama’at beyond their desert sands who not only worship Allah but also love the Rasul, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Allah is “the King of the Day of Judgment,” that is, ‘King’ in the Riwayat of Warsh, which as our scholars confirm was the Reading of the Salaf communities. This reminds us daily that the Judgment which matters, when that Judgment comes, is neither on nations nor on ideologies. The Judgment is on the person, that person who had been appointed in this world as the representative of the King Himself. What is at issue, that is, what matters, is what the individual makes of his life. What sum of actions does he bring to the Reckoning? So, paramount to everything is the central reality that we come before Allah to face Him alone, or, as in His generosity He grants that we may stand before Him as couples, but the meaning of the Day of Judgment is that the ultimate reality is what we do with our lives.

This, we must note, is also why we disagree with the Shi’a. Because it means that taking a sect is no protection, that making Takia is no protection, that practising Mu’ta is no protection. The One who is the King is also Ar‑Rahim. What we bring to Allah that may rescue us are those deeds which in His Book He has reminded us are those actions pleasing to Him, and they are all actions of mercy and generosity, and their motor-force which has realised them is Taqwa.

In the central ayat of the Fatiha comes the position of the slave. Our ‘ulema have pointed out that the first part of Fatiha is about Allah, the middle portion is about the slave, and the last portion is about the slave’s journey to Him. The middle ayat is the ayat of absolute dependence, and our dependence is on Allah, the Lord of all the Worlds.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Awakening on Chechen Freedom and Islam

(Message from Chairman Zakayev (Chechenpress.UK)

My respected compatriots, we need today to understand that it is up to us to change the situation in which we find ourselves. We are believers, and the Almighty tells us in His Q’uran, “Truly, Allah does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change.” (13:11).

But in order for us to change ourselves and embark on the correct path, we have first to acknowledge our mistakes and repent of them. No matter how disadvantageous this may be for us on a political level, there is no doubt that we must do it.

The mistakes we have made and continue to make are what has allowed Putin to proclaim to the whole world that the four-centuries long war which we have been waging for our freedom is a conflict “between Chechens”. In 1996 Chechnya amazed the world by gaining a military victory over Russia, but because of our mistakes Russia has been able to turn that against our nation. Their most important weapon was their own agents from Islamic states whom they infiltrated into our country. These people, using financial resources they brought with them, claimed to be spreading “pure Islam”, and succeeded in setting active participants of the war against President Maskhadov, a leader chosen in a general election by the entire Chechen people.

Infamous acts carried out under the guise of proclaiming Islamic values and Sharia law are particularly sinful. These preachers of “pure Islam” carried out abductions, robberies and acts of violence. They instigated a war against the very Chechen traditions which had won our nation great admiration throughout the world. Respect of the young for the old, a particularly respectful attitude towards women, hospitality, the safeguarding of the life and dignity of guests – all these traditions which are at the heart of Chechens’ national identity were contemptuously cast aside and trampled underfoot by these zealots of “religious purity”.

The enemies of all that is Chechen came to occupy high positions in the institutions of the Chechen state authority. It was these people who gave Russia a welcome pretext for unleashing the Second Chechen War. When that war began, some of these individuals, wearing epaulettes as Russian officers, actively joined forces with the Russian aggressors, while others hastily left Chechnya and are now giving Chechen soldiers a bad reputation throughout the world. Lending credence to every claim by Russian propagandists that the Chechen Resistance is “part of international terrorism”, these people have become consistent helpmates of Putin in international politics.
Among the greatest villainies of these helpers of Putin, who live outside Chechnya, is the fact that during the presidency of Dokka Umarov they tried to strip the Chechen state of its legal foundation. Despite their occupation of Chechnya and the establishment of a puppet regime, the Russian leaders are well aware that they are far from victory while the legal foundation of the independent state re-established by the Chechen nation remains.

They are also fully aware that they cannot remove this legal basis while the institutions of our state authority remain intact. In an attempt to remove the obstacle Russia, through the arm of its intelligence services, has murdered three Chechen presidents. It has not, however, managed to destroy the institutions of the Chechen state.

Accordingly, a decision was taken in Moscow to deprive the Chechen state of its legal basis through the agency of Dokka Umarov, who was under the influence of agents of the Russian intelligence services. This was something Russia urgently needed because it was intending to recognise the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia after America and the European Union recognised the independence of Kosovo. Before that happened, the Kremlin wanted the topic of Chechen independence removed from the international agenda.

Having failed to destroy the Chechen people’s aspirations for independence by military force and terror, Putin’s helpmates had Dokka Umarov proclaim the abolition of the Chechen state. It was after this that Russia annexed Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia, first recognising their sovereign independence. When international public opinion faced Putin with the question, “Why do the Chechens not have a right to create their own state like the Abkhazians and South Ossetians?” Udugov’s people had Supian Abdullayev reply, “The aim of the Chechen fighters is not to construct a Chechen state but a caliphate from sea to sea and, moreover, we are at war not only with Russia, but also with America, Britain, and Israel.”

Although we succeeded in putting a stop to this nonsense, protecting the legal basis of Chechen statehood, these declarations did do us immense harm, sowing dissension and divisions between Chechens, among our fighters, and depriving us of mutual trust. For any nation this is a severe blow, especially for a nation fighting a hard, unequal battle for its freedom. Divisions weaken the nation, and it is essential that we should strive to overcome this sickness. Its causes lie in a loss of mutual trust and in the fact that traitors and cowards have emerged among our people from among those no longer able to endure Russian barbarity.

The truth, however, is that those who have openly lined up under the Russian flag to assist the occupiers in realising their aims are less dangerous than those who claim to be on our side on the march to freedom but whose overt and covert intrigues sow dissension in our ranks and prevent us from regaining our strength. They say what matters most in politics is not who said what, but who benefitted from what was said. Although Muslim sermons are never far from their lips, everything that they do redounds to the benefit of our enemies.

If we pay less attention to what particular people and groups are saying and instead analyse who is benefitting from their actions, we will see clearly whose side they are on in the continuing struggle. That will help us to re-build trust within our ranks and spare our people the mutual suspicion which weakens it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Web of Debt: Ellen Brown USA

Our money system is not what we have been led to believe. The creation of money has been "privatized," or taken over by private money lenders.

Thomas Jefferson called them “bold and bankrupt adventurers just pretending to have money.” Except for coins, all of our money is now created as loans advanced by private banking institutions — including the privately-owned Federal Reserve. Banks create the principal but not the interest to service their loans. To find the interest, new loans must continually be taken out, expanding the money supply, inflating prices — and robbing you of the value of your money.

Not only is virtually the entire money supply created privately by banks, but a mere handful of very big banks is responsible for a massive investment scheme known as "derivatives," which now tallies in at hundreds of trillions of dollars.

The banking system has been contrived so that these big banks always get bailed out by the taxpayers from their risky ventures, but the scheme has reached its mathematical limits. There isn't enough money in the entire global economy to bail out the banks from a massive derivatives default today.

Web of Debt unravels the deceptions in our money scheme and presents a crystal clear picture of the financial abyss towards which we are heading. Then it explores a workable alternative, one that was tested in colonial America and is grounded in the best of American economic thought, including the writings of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. If you care about financial security, your own or the nation's, you should read this book.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Learning To Sight New Moon of Ramadhan

(A large number of Muslims in N. America started Ramadan fasting on August 11, 2010, not because Ramadan moon was seen but because ISNA fixed the date weeks ago.

Do you know ISNA has abandoned the Qur’an’s command, and Prophet (SAW) Sunnah to start Ramadan by moon-sighting. ISNA Fiqh Council bid’ah of forcing Saudi dates on the Muslims in N. America has blinded the Muslims to the fact that the Muslims always started Ramadan and prayed Eidain after sighting a Hilal. See below how Saudis violate the Quran and the Sunnah.)when they declare 10 Sept as first Shawal
or 9 Sept as 30th of Ramadhan!

Here an excellent article to refute the Saudi/ISNA claims :

A crescent moon’s first sighting depends on several interrelated factors. (For details see “Earliest Visibility Criteria” section.
Moon’s Age:

For a crescent moon to be visible its age should be around 24 hours, although the youngest sighted moon was only 14+ hours old. Often moon’s age may be 30+ hours but you cannot see it because its angle from the sun (elongation) and altitude (above the horizon) do not reach a minimum (12+10 degrees) visibility threshold.

Angle (Elongation):

For a naked-eye sighting the moon’s angle from the sun at sunset should be approx. 12 degrees.


Moon’s altitude at the sunset should be 10 degrees or more for a casual observer.

(Higher elongation may sometimes compensate lower (8+ degrees) altitude.
Moonset After Sunset:

You cannot see a faint crescent moon within the first ten minutes after the sunset when the time lag between the moonset and the sunset is less than 42 minutes. Usually a 29 days old moon will be visible 20-30 minutes after the sunset and a 30 days old moon will be seen after 10-12 minutes after the sunset.

Visibility Curve:

A crescent moon may first become visible from as far east as New Zealand or as far north as Japan, but it may not be seen in Saudi Arabia hours later. Moon’s visibility extends within a parabola and it takes 48+ hours to cover most of the globe.

Words of Caution:

Experienced professional moon-watchers may SEE a crescent moon at a little lower visibility threshold after meticulous preparation when the horizon is exceptionally clear. A good example was Sha’ban 1426 (Sep. 2005) moon from Arizona:

Sunset (at sea level) = 18:49
Moonset (at sea level) = 19:30

Age at 18:39 pm = 31 hr. 50 min.
Moon lag time = 41 minutes

Relative Altitude = 8.45 degrees
Elongation from sun = 13.77degrees

Crescent width = 26 arcseconds Illumination = 1.44 percent

Casual Muslim Observers:

However, casual Muslim observers all over the world claim seeing moons that are “Impossible”. Naïve “experts” and Ulema accept their claim only because they are “Adil”. The results are disastrous. Eid al-Fitr on the last day of Ramadan, Eid al-Adha on 9thD. Hijja and Ramadan on 28 Shaban.

If the earliest sighting is not by a large group and not confirmed from places located west of the first claim the “Shahadah” should be rejected as doubtful.

(This year, Malaysia begin fasting 2 days early than Morocco (Friday) eg. Wednesday due to wrong ideas/experts. The sunna is look for new visible moon on the horizon after maturity age/conditions, not to look for new moon too young too be seen or mot birth of new moon according to falak/computer calculation !)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Behind The Accidental Border : Patani

Book Review By Zhang Ming

The insurgency in Thailand’s southernmost provinces of Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and Songkhla, collectively defined as the Patani Region, is the most misunderstood conflict in the world today. In relative terms, the toll on human lives over the past half decade is surpassed only by the Iraqi and Afghan conflicts.

But unlike those well-reported hotspots, very little is known about the Patani insurgency – its root causes; the identity and objectives of the main players; the historical context; the role and legitimacy of the Thai state; the sentiment of the populace – and this multifaceted ignorance sustains the ongoing socio-political tragedy. The insurgency has been vividly painted by many as a religious conflict perpetrated by misguided “Thai Muslims,” effectively calibrating all discourses towards a Pan-Islamist terrorism agenda.

This is further embellished by tales of economic backwardness due to lack of educational and vocational opportunities. The combination of religious zealotry and abject poverty are supposed to be the main catalysts of the insurgency and this narrative has largely shaped world perception, with policy initiatives geared towards economic development, scholastic reforms and inculcation of “moderate” Islamic teachings among the Patani people. These programmes come and go but the insurgency rages on with heightened intensity and brutality in a region also known cryptically as the Thai Deep South. Why is this the case? Who are the real stakeholders? What would be the end game? And could we resolve this conflict without a firm understanding of its root causes?

Together we shall seek the answers. This book will provide a definitive analysis of the insurgency in a region that was a prominent Malay Sultanate for a half-millennium but now tethered precariously to the southern underbelly of the Thai nation. Necessary attention will be given to its historical dimension and current regional geopolitical context and realities.

This may dilute the conventional narrative meticulously crafted by others, and the revelations may be unpalatable to some. But without the historical truth and a firm grasp of the real issues, a just, meaningful and permanent solution could never be conceived. The detailed processes and methodologies of the Pattani Peace Initiative presented in this book would hopefully form the building blocks for sustainable peace, justice and reconciliation for the Patani Region.

Famous awliya and ulamak from Patani Darus Salam:

Sheikh Daud Patani-author of Kanzun Minan Syarah Hikam Abu Madyan
Sheikh Ahmad Zain alPatani - Faridatul Faraid
Sheikh Ismail Patani etc

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Control of Money Supply Is The Key of US Power

Currency Wars is a very popular book in China. It’s author, Bing Debkang, has tapped into a rich vein of nationalism and suspicion about the West, especially the role of US investment banks and global jewish bankers.

His book was part of Beijing IFS special project, which is entirely futuristic, is that group of investment bankers of khazar elites have dictated the course of world history since the Napoleonic wars, are the gatekeepers to the US presidency, and - should they be allowed into the Chinese economy - would bring the current benign social order crashing down to serve their own evil interests. The US had created a USD 13 Trillions Debt in 2010 by issuing more bonds, securities, derivates and credits through the FED and megabanks.

We discussed this book with a Japanese and Korean researcher who works in the financial sector and he said that its popularity was an interesting social phenomenon. But the author was so obviously a crazy conspiracy theorist that his work had no influence at all in policy or finance circles.

Central bankers and Finance graduates might be able to see through the smoke and mirrors, but the book had a major influence on public opinion, and a follow up - imaginatively entitled ‘Currency Wars II’ - has just hit the book stores. If you dont understand just read the comments by Warren Buffer and G.Soros- the manipulators of Asian currencies crisis in 1998s.

This is R.Fekkel translation of the main points from a chapter in the first Currency Wars, focusing on the potential evils of allowing foreign investment banks into the Chinese economy, and the benefits of returning to gold as the basis of the international financial system:

‘Control of money supply is key to control of the economy. You might think that foreign banks have no way of influencing the money supply in China, that the People’s Bank of China controls the supply of money. In fact, by issuing loans, banks influence the money supply. Let foreign banks into China, and they would deliberately manipulate the money supply, using excess supply to cause inflation, and restricting supply to cause deflation, crippling the economy, as they have done to destabilize foreign countries throughout history. Remember how the British wage an opium war to China and establish the capitalistic Hong Kong port?

The US is already using its influence to disrupt China’s money supply. By manipulating its trade deficit with China, the US can increase the money supply in China, and that can lead to bubbles in the property sector and equity markets. China’s Central Bank can only control the problem by selling bonds to soak up the additions to the money supply, but this increases the national debt. Today China hold about USD 2 Trillions of US bonds or debts ! What if it just devalued 10% by tommorrow, next week or month ? A lost of USD 200 billions !

These are the currency wars, and as long as the US dollar is the main international currency, China has no way to fight back. Only when gold again becomes the basis of the international currency system can we have an independent, fair, and harmonious financial system.’

Of course, there is a kernel of truth in all this. Hedge funds, many of them US hedge funds, were instrumental in destabilising Asian economies in the Asian Financial Crisis. China’s trade surplus, combined with the fixed exchange rate, does cause problems for the People’s Bank of China. The role of the US dollar in the international financial system is beneficial to the US and harmful to its creditors. Many muslim nations already thinking of using the gold dinar currency to safeguard against the fiat paper money instability and crash like Iceland, Greece and Euroland soon.

But the way all of these facts is put together is not completely wrong. It’s not foreign banks who are creating a problem in China’s money supply, it is all the mega banks interlinked together with prime rates, credit creation and printing presses controlled by Governments. And a US dollar based international financial system might have its flaws, but the world moved away from the gold standard for a reason - because it tied money supply to the availability of a scarce commodity - and a return is not on anyone apart if you are smart enough. The gold prices had jumped 300% in the last 5 years ! Gold is the ultimate fortress for our financial tsunanmi !

Happy reading and decoding between the enemy lines and eyelashes -Sun Tzu.