(Message from Chairman Zakayev (Chechenpress.UK)
My respected compatriots, we need today to understand that it is up to us to change the situation in which we find ourselves. We are believers, and the Almighty tells us in His Q’uran, “Truly, Allah does not change the condition of any people unless they themselves make the decision to change.” (13:11).
But in order for us to change ourselves and embark on the correct path, we have first to acknowledge our mistakes and repent of them. No matter how disadvantageous this may be for us on a political level, there is no doubt that we must do it.
The mistakes we have made and continue to make are what has allowed Putin to proclaim to the whole world that the four-centuries long war which we have been waging for our freedom is a conflict “between Chechens”. In 1996 Chechnya amazed the world by gaining a military victory over Russia, but because of our mistakes Russia has been able to turn that against our nation. Their most important weapon was their own agents from Islamic states whom they infiltrated into our country. These people, using financial resources they brought with them, claimed to be spreading “pure Islam”, and succeeded in setting active participants of the war against President Maskhadov, a leader chosen in a general election by the entire Chechen people.
Infamous acts carried out under the guise of proclaiming Islamic values and Sharia law are particularly sinful. These preachers of “pure Islam” carried out abductions, robberies and acts of violence. They instigated a war against the very Chechen traditions which had won our nation great admiration throughout the world. Respect of the young for the old, a particularly respectful attitude towards women, hospitality, the safeguarding of the life and dignity of guests – all these traditions which are at the heart of Chechens’ national identity were contemptuously cast aside and trampled underfoot by these zealots of “religious purity”.
The enemies of all that is Chechen came to occupy high positions in the institutions of the Chechen state authority. It was these people who gave Russia a welcome pretext for unleashing the Second Chechen War. When that war began, some of these individuals, wearing epaulettes as Russian officers, actively joined forces with the Russian aggressors, while others hastily left Chechnya and are now giving Chechen soldiers a bad reputation throughout the world. Lending credence to every claim by Russian propagandists that the Chechen Resistance is “part of international terrorism”, these people have become consistent helpmates of Putin in international politics.
Among the greatest villainies of these helpers of Putin, who live outside Chechnya, is the fact that during the presidency of Dokka Umarov they tried to strip the Chechen state of its legal foundation. Despite their occupation of Chechnya and the establishment of a puppet regime, the Russian leaders are well aware that they are far from victory while the legal foundation of the independent state re-established by the Chechen nation remains.
They are also fully aware that they cannot remove this legal basis while the institutions of our state authority remain intact. In an attempt to remove the obstacle Russia, through the arm of its intelligence services, has murdered three Chechen presidents. It has not, however, managed to destroy the institutions of the Chechen state.
Accordingly, a decision was taken in Moscow to deprive the Chechen state of its legal basis through the agency of Dokka Umarov, who was under the influence of agents of the Russian intelligence services. This was something Russia urgently needed because it was intending to recognise the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia after America and the European Union recognised the independence of Kosovo. Before that happened, the Kremlin wanted the topic of Chechen independence removed from the international agenda.
Having failed to destroy the Chechen people’s aspirations for independence by military force and terror, Putin’s helpmates had Dokka Umarov proclaim the abolition of the Chechen state. It was after this that Russia annexed Abkhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia, first recognising their sovereign independence. When international public opinion faced Putin with the question, “Why do the Chechens not have a right to create their own state like the Abkhazians and South Ossetians?” Udugov’s people had Supian Abdullayev reply, “The aim of the Chechen fighters is not to construct a Chechen state but a caliphate from sea to sea and, moreover, we are at war not only with Russia, but also with America, Britain, and Israel.”
Although we succeeded in putting a stop to this nonsense, protecting the legal basis of Chechen statehood, these declarations did do us immense harm, sowing dissension and divisions between Chechens, among our fighters, and depriving us of mutual trust. For any nation this is a severe blow, especially for a nation fighting a hard, unequal battle for its freedom. Divisions weaken the nation, and it is essential that we should strive to overcome this sickness. Its causes lie in a loss of mutual trust and in the fact that traitors and cowards have emerged among our people from among those no longer able to endure Russian barbarity.
The truth, however, is that those who have openly lined up under the Russian flag to assist the occupiers in realising their aims are less dangerous than those who claim to be on our side on the march to freedom but whose overt and covert intrigues sow dissension in our ranks and prevent us from regaining our strength. They say what matters most in politics is not who said what, but who benefitted from what was said. Although Muslim sermons are never far from their lips, everything that they do redounds to the benefit of our enemies.
If we pay less attention to what particular people and groups are saying and instead analyse who is benefitting from their actions, we will see clearly whose side they are on in the continuing struggle. That will help us to re-build trust within our ranks and spare our people the mutual suspicion which weakens it.
Nik Aziz Dalam Kenangan
10 years ago
part 2:
ReplyDeleteWe have every reason to claim that the Confederation of the Peoples of the Caucasus, the Checheno-Dagestan Congress, and the Caucasus Emirate proclaimed by Udugov and Dokka Umarov are projects of the Russian intelligence services. Their aim is not to enable Caucasians to establish a united state but to stop Chechens from setting up theirs.
I would like to present three highly instructive examples from our history. In the era of Sheikh Mansur all the peoples of the Caucasus united and for six years waged war on Russia. The outcome was victory for Russia. In the era of Imam Shamil, the Chechens and Dagestanis united and jointly waged war on Russia for 25 years. That war also ended in victory for Russia. In the era of Djohar Dudayev the Chechen people fought Russia on its own. That war lasted just one and a half years and ended in the defeat of Russia. These examples show that the Chechen people is invincible when it unites around a single national aim. When the first Russo-Chechen war culminated in victory for the Chechens, Russian analysts and political scientists blamed the generals for Russia’s defeat, saying they had failed to learn lessons from the past.
Putin became head of the FSB in 1998 and, making preparations for a Second Russo-Chechen War, took heed of these reproaches and laments. His first priority was to split our people. Efforts along these lines had been made before the beginning of the First War by Stepashin, the head of the FSK. He directed his main effort at splitting the Chechens along political lines. An armed opposition was set up against Djohar Dudayev, reinforced with soldiers and officers of Russia’s Kantemir Division. With the outbreak of hostilities, however, the Chechen oppositionists scattered and the Russian mercenaries were captured. The people of Chechnya rose in defence of their Fatherland and Russia was forced to concede defeat. Putin learned from this and, in preparing the Second War, sought out our people’s greatest vulnerability, dividing it along faith lines. He placed some of his agents in positions of leadership of those who stood for “traditional Islam”, and others at the head of those who professed “pure Islam”. Putin succeeded in turning both these tendencies against President Maskhadov’s government and the Chechen people.
Today we have regretfully to admit that our state authorities had insufficient power to defend our people from domination by these two groups. As they turned Chechnya into an arena of violence, Putin resorted to a provocation organised by his agents in Dagestan and to blowing up apartment buildings in Russian towns. This was carried out by FSB agents, and Putin began the Second War, assuring the rest of the world that it was the Chechens who were responsible for unleashing it. The war continues to this day, and will continue until such time as there are new leaders in the Kremlin who respect the peoples who comprise Russia, and who are capable of thinking constructively about the future.
Today not only has Putin not succeeded in destroying the Chechen people but 300,000 Chechens, that is, almost one third of our nation, finding themselves in Western Europe as a result of his terror, are coming into contact with the highest levels of humanitarian and technical education. Our young people are learning to live in modern, free societies in which there is no trace of authoritarian diktats or the vileness of corruption. Today the Vainakhs living abroad have not broken their links with the Fatherland. Those who can permit themselves to do so, return home but do not lose contact with the countries where they lived. This is something of great value to our nation.
ReplyDeleteIt is in this situation that our Ummah has to recognise that in this heartland of the banking and capitalist elite, Islam is the fastest growing religion. Islam is growing in America almost as fast as it is in Africa. Alongside this lies the important demographic fact that the Hispanics are the fastest growing segment of the American population. Added to this we note that entry into Islam among Hispanics is even higher than in the rest of the population.
ReplyDelete“Allah uses the enemies of the Deen to advance the Deen.” This is well known to us all, but we should apply it for verification. Professor Yalçintaş told me that at the very point that Turkey had a government which oppressed Islam, it was also oppressing communism. He remarked that if they had not crushed communism the country might have gone communist, whereas the crushing of communism drove the Turkish people back to their Deen. In the same way, we did not fight the wahhabi event with anything like the ferocity it merited, and now the job is having to be done by people who are manifesting tyranny to us.
The end result of all this affair will be to see the dramatic absorption of Islam in the land of Quincy Adams, William James, Thoreau, and Eudora Welty. This is why Mawlana Hamza Yusuf was perfectly correct in being received by the American President. Because that President does not know what Islam is, and wants it just to be the impotised monotheism of peace and tolerance, tolerance, that is, of every capitalist iniquity, it is vital that he should find himself standing next to an erudite Muslim faqih who knows exactly what Islam stands for. The proof of his right-guided action was that in the event of the torture revelations in the Iraqi and Afghan prisons, the Mawlana forcefully insisted, in a CNN interview, that the President should apologise. The very next day the President yielded to his commanding voice and apologised.
The real front line of our Ummah today is certainly not in the Middle East, but rather it is in two arenas. The first is in the high-wealth zones of capitalism, like Europe and the USA, and the other is in the shambolic, mythically democratic India, with its million mushrik religions only connected generically by the term ‘hindu’. In both these arenas it is a Muslim minority which will bring to life a new Islamic civilisation which will reflect with a greater splendour than its Mughal and Osmanli past.