Ramai tidak tahu kejatuhan daulah Islam terakhir, khalifah Uthmaniyya Turki pada 1920s disebabkan racun kuasa riba, wang kertas dan perbankan kuffar telah menjajahi dunia islam. Sistim riba ini telah meruntuhkan tiang rukun zakat ! 'Perbankan islam' kini hanya label,slogan dan kuda tunggangan sistim kufar. Awas.
July 1, 2004. By Craig R. Smith, CEO SATC( website: swiss america rediscover gold)
What's an Islamic gold dinar? ...
Is it a threat to the U.S. dollar? ...
Can radical Islamic convince Muslims to use the gold dinar instead of the dollar?
How will a falling dollar impact the priced-for-perfection U.S. stock market?
Disini ingin kami paparkan kegentaran kufar dan kebangkitan blog/webiste yang membuka matahati kita kepada realiti sebenar.
1. Universiti sains malaysia : Gold Dinar Research Group at http://usm.my/dinar/
2. Dinar Mas kelantan at http://www.dinarkel.com
3. Dinar Nusantara di http://www.wakalanusantara.com
4. Swiss America di http://www.321gold.com/info/gold_dinar
5. www.islamhariini.com
6. www.shaykhabdalqadir.com
7. www.rapidtrends.com
8. http://wealthbygold.com
Kini giliran UK pula diambang bankrupsi dengan hutang riba bank:
ReplyDeleteThe Government's bail-out of the banks in October with £37 billion of taxpayers' money was supposed to have "saved the world", according to the PM, but now it is clear that it has not even saved the banks. Our money kept the show on the road for only three months.
As the Liberal Democrats' Treasury spokesman Vince Cable asks: where has the £37 billion gone? The answer, as Cable knows, is that it has disappeared down the plug hole.
It is finally dawning on the Government that the liabilities of the British banks grew to be so vast in the boom years that they now eclipse the entire economy. Unfortunately, the Treasury is pledged to honour those
liabilities because it has guaranteed not to let a British bank go down. RBS has liabilities of £1.8 trillion, three times annual UK government spending, against assets of £1.9 trillion. But after the events of the past year, I wager most taxpayers will believe the true picture is worse.
Meanwhile, the assets are falling in value. This matters, because post-nationalisation these liabilities are now yours and
And they come piled on top of the rocketing national debt, charitably put at £630 billion, or 43 per cent of GDP. The true figure is much higher because the Government has used off-balance sheet accounting to hide commitments such as PFI projects
“Zakat is for:
ReplyDeletethe poor,
the destitute,
those who collect it,
reconciling people’s hearts,
freeing slaves,
those in debt,
spending in the Way of Allah,
and travellers.
It is a legal obligation from Allah.
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.“
The restoration of the pillar of Zakat must precede the re-adoption of the Shari‘at of Islam. Let it be understood that the Shari’at of Islam is founded on two elements. One half of the Law of Islam is about the practices of Ibada. The other half of the Law of Islam is about the limits and practices of Commerce. That is why the secret terrorist groups are in no way fighting for the Deen. On the contrary, it is now demonstrable that Kufr requires Terror to hide from mankind that Islam is the unique social instrument of rescue from the monetarist disaster. Islam is a post-usury ethos, dependent for its existence on the abolition of usury.
The sustaining of the Muslim community in acts of terrorism and suicide bombing is the absolute necessity required of the collapsing monetarist (usury) system – a system, remember, usurious in its institutions, instruments and practices. While we, the Muslim majority can disassociate ourselves from terror and suicide, leaderless and self-styled jihads and rebels without any ‘aqida – we have utterly failed to recognise usury in its institutions, instruments and practices. The bland acceptance of the banking methodology – money ex nihilo – then interest on the loan – then trading in debts – in the end of the day has reduced the historicity of the Muslim masses to the level of the modern hindu masses at a Bollywood film festival. Usury has reduced Islam in Dubai to being a minority religion and its largest building not a mosque but a gambler’s private casino.
Kini giliran Kerajaan Dubai jual bon hutang USD10.0 bilion ! Laporan Economist 29.2.2009:
ReplyDeleteAbu Dhabi bails out its neighbour. What will it ask in return?
THE Jebel Ali port in Dubai boasts of being the largest man-made harbour in the world. Its “quad-lift” cranes can hoist four 20-foot containers at once. The port’s second terminal will raise its capacity to 14m containers. But plans for a third terminal look premature. Dubai is suffering from a slump in the trading, lending, holidaying and profiteering that buoyed this remarkable emirate for so long.
On February 22nd Dubai was hoisted out of its financial trouble by its oil-rich neighbour, Abu Dhabi. The central bank for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) bought $10 billion-worth of Dubai’s five-year bonds. The bail-out confirmed everyone’s assumption that Abu Dhabi would not let the second-biggest member of the UAE fail. But its benefactor waited long enough to plant a seed of doubt in people’s minds. In recent weeks, the spreads on credit-default swaps for securities issued by Dubai’s government and several of its biggest corporations have widened alarmingly, if a little hysterically.