Umar Vadillo:
...and finally.... The Dinar and the Dirham of the Sultanate of Kelantan (Malaysia), under the new standards of WIM, will arrive tomorrow. THIS IS THE OPENING. Oh Allah, forgive us, we return to You in Tawba.
Greetings to all of you, my friends. From tomorrow everything will change. No other Dinar minted since we started in 1992 has the Light that is contained in these new Dinars, except perhaps the very first we did in Granada. These ones are charged with meaning: new features, new dimensions, larger range, larger penetration. ...and when the Light ... See More comes the darkness disappears: users of the Dinar will become aware of what is present yet hidden, the present paper fraud, the easeness of Muamalat. ...and yes, Mimi, for the muminun this is an event that calls for astaghfir and tawba. Indeed, as we read in the Alhambra: Victory belongs to Allah. Blessings to our Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa salaam, and our Teacher, Shaykh Abdalqadir, who cleared the path before us. Saludos a mis andalusis.
Abdalwasi McCormack:
Sidi Umar, over 20 years ago, in the little village of Bacharach on the Rhine, you told me that you were going to make the ghazwah of the century! Well ... ALLAHU AKBAR! YOU HAVE DONE IT!
May Allah make it the ghazwah of the millenium!
May Allah give you Kawthar!... See More
This is the proof of the people of the 'Aml of the Ahli'l-Madinah! It is proof of the wisdom and guidance of Shaykh Abdalqadir as-Sufi -ad-Darqawi who first sounded the clarion call for jihad against riba, way back in 1982 or earlier. It is also the greatest proof that the Muslims of the world, whether Maliki or Shafi'i can work together to obtain victory.
It also portends that the next Khilafah will rise in Nusantara! May this be just the beginning of a train of such victories for you Umar Pasha because it is also proof that when you so often say "Laa hawla wa la quwwata illaa billaah!" ........ YOU MEAN IT!!!
Oh Allah, bless our Master Muhammad and grant him peace. Oh Allah, forgive us, turn towards us and grant us the favour of serving Ghazi Umar Pasha in his mighty struggle.
ReplyDeleteor most of Malaysians the morning on Tuesday, 8th June 2010, was just another morning in their existence - monotonous run on the capitalist treadmill - nothing extraordinary indeed: the same tropical weather (+32C) outside, same sickening news in the media, same interest rates, same order of the day.
But for the people of Kelantan this morning was very special: on the 8th June 2010 at 11am the box with the set of the first gold dinars and silver dirhams of the State of Kelantan arrived to Kuala Lumpur from the World Islamic Mint, Dubai. Sending the sample coins is the standard procedure in minting industry, the main lot will follow just in a matter of days.
Although Kelantan government first minted gold dinars in 2006, the new coins have a new reality because:
This is the first time when not just gold dinar but also silver dirham has been minted;
This is the very first time the Kelantan dinars and dirhams are minted in accordance with the international standard which is set by World Islamic Trade Organization (WITO) and monitored by World Islamic Mint (WIM); 99% of all dinars & dirhams minted worldwide in the last 20 years is the work of WIM, hence the new Kelantan coins – the reverse side of the coins bear the logo of WIM while on the obverse is coat of arms and name of Kelantan Government – have international status and acceptance among millions of muslim and non-muslim users around the world;
This is also the first time when the coins are minted in all denominations: Dinar – ½, 1, 2, 5, 8; Dirham – 1, 2, 5, 10, 20;
Unlike before this time the new coins will be distributed to public throughout the state of Kelantan under homogenized pricing scheme and proportionate value between denominations;
And most significantly, this is the first time when all state companies in Kelantan will accept the Islamic coins as well as 600 shops (in the first phase) displaying the sticker “We Choose Dinar&Dirham” thus instantly giving a broad avenue for the public to utilize their coins.
And this is just the beginning, the second phase will see introduction of features like safe-keeping facilities (wadiah) and electronic payment system to further enhance the level of customers’ convenience.
What these coins mean to Kelantanese people? They mean a lot, they mean freedom, the people now can say: “Let us choose whether we want Malaysian Ringgit, American Dollar or Kelantan Gold Dinar. You can tell us that your money is better than the other but let us decide whether we want it or not”.
ReplyDeleteDuring the ceremony of opening the box with the very first minted coins – they will be auctioned to Numismatists – Prof. Umar Vadillo, CEO of Kelantan Golden Trade, state company in charge of implementing the Shariah currency in the state of Kelantan, said: “This is the first time in the last 100 years when an Islamic government minted dinars and dirhams in such a large denomination range. And these coins are also unique because they are minted in accordance with the new standard of WIM, it has improved design and security features. The arrival of these coins mark the end of 100-year old Darurah of tolerating the injustice of paper money, from now on Darurah is over, at least for people in Kelantan”.
“These coins are of the highest quality among all dinars and dirhams I have seen so far. Now we are confident to offer to public the circulation coins of top standard and hope they’ll realize that this is the real money. In fact the demand for these coins even before they arrived was so high that I see no problem in marketing them; what I am looking at is the next step – creation of merchants network that will accept dinar&dirham from public as payment for goods and services”, - said Mohamad Faisal Mohamad Nor, the Founder and Director of Nubex Sdn Bhd. Nubex company will be the sole distributor of the new Kelantan dinars and dirhams in Kuala Lumpur, they would also provide safe-keeping service at the cheapest rate.
"The liberation of Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Pattani, Mindanao, Sulu is starting now, from Kelantan! No more blaming others, we have to turn to Allah and His Deen!" - said Captain Hajj Awaludin Mohal, honorary advisor of Muamalah Council Malaysia.
Among many people being happy and excited this morning one woman was very quiet, she had feelings that no one could possibly have: for her this historic morning of June,8 was the confirmation of the formula “La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa Billah” with which she started this whole journey back in 2005 when she single-handedly proposed the introduction of Gold Dinar to the government of Kelantan. It was often a lonely journey – a little woman trod a path which nobody walked through before. But she kept on going and going as she believed the journey itself is worthwhile regardless its outcome. It is because of the Taqwa of this one woman that the Sunna Money has now arrived to Kelantan. Madam NIK MAHANI MOHAMAD, you will be remembered by generation after generation as the one who lit up the first candle in the complete darkness of Malaysia.
Akademi Muamalah Sdn Bhd and Muamalah Council of Malaysia in the person of the chairman Hajj Umar Azmon Amir Hassan congratulates Hajjiah Nik Mahani and through her the government and people of Kelantan with this achievement in the process of eradicating Riba. May Allah bless you and grant you total success in this world and the next. Amin.
The Government of Kelantan will have a soft launch on Friday, 11th June and will hold the proper launching ceremony of the new coins next month, July - the event will be open for public and attended by many guests from all over Malaysia and overseas. Muamalah Council Malaysia will inform you about the date and program of the event soonest possible.
Get ready to travel to Kota Bharu in July and witness the History which your grandchildren will ask you about.
We salute you who braved and toiled to read this comment ! To fight the kuffar ribawi elite, one has to think and act far ahead ! Here..another ammunitions for you...the ghuraba or mufaridun of the age ! May Allah bless your seeking and journey in this jihad. May you meet your real true leader and master for this endeavor....
ReplyDeleteIf You Can't Replace It - Dilute It
The price of Gold cannot be held down by selling the physical metal. The decade between 1970 and 1980 proved that conclusively. Hundreds of years of history have proven conclusively that nothing can be sold as a "substitute" for Gold. In the years since the 1987 crash - when the $US 400 "glass ceiling" on Gold has been put and kept in place, Central Banks have continued to sell Gold, but only in emergencies. The real mechanism for holding down the price has been different.
Forward Selling - By Gold Producers
For most of the past decade, Gold mining companies gradually changed the way they market their Gold. To an ever-increasing extent, they have "forward sold". The mechanism is quite simple. A Gold mining company with proven reserves in the ground wants to sell a portion of these reserves forward. The company representative goes to a bullion dealer who agrees to pay him, for example, $500 per ounce for Gold to be delivered two years from now. The Gold company has locked in a profit, and on top of that, has the money now for Gold which is still in the ground.
The Gold bullion dealer is exposed, however. He is exposed to a possible loss if the Gold price falls in the future. So, to hedge this position, the bullion dealer sells Gold - for immediate delivery. "Wait a minute" (you cry), where is the bullion dealer to get the Gold to provide for immediate delivery? The answer brings us directly to the second part of the mechanism for maintaining the $US 400 Gold "glass ceiling".
Gold "Leasing" - The Central Banks' Contribution
Our intrepid bullion dealer goes out and "borrows" the Gold. Where does he borrow it from? That's easy. From the formidable 36,000 Tonne hoard still owned by the world's Central Banks.
To get the Gold - or more accurately, to get a marketable claim to the Gold - our bullion dealer pays what is known as the Gold lease rate (an extremely low rate of interest). He then sells the Gold - or the claims to Gold, and invests the money. This is the way the difference between the spot and forward prices for Gold is determined. The forward price is the money interest rate which our bullion dealer receives for his investment minus the lease rate which he paid to borrow the Gold.
The point is that this entire fandango (that's "fandango" - not "contango") can be performed by lending physical Gold, or it can be performed by lending a paper claim to Gold. The miners' Gold is still in the ground. The Central Bank sometimes lends Gold, or it lends a claim to Gold. These are what our bullion dealer sells. And since most demand for Gold is not a demand for the physical metal but a demand for paper (forward, future, etc) claims to the metal, this mechanism can meet the demand without an undue strain upon the available supply of the physical metal, and the upward pressure on the price of Gold that would cause.
As shown by simple minded fuqara in nusantara, talk or seminar alone wont change things. Just mint more silver dirham and gold dinar quitely, subtly but distribute and use it noisily everywhere ! Sure, the poor muslims will response tremendously.
ReplyDeleteOnly the rich and 'powerful' fear and tremble. What will happen to my paper money and stocks ?
Muamalat, zakaf, waqaf,jamaat is the key. Tariqat is useless if without social shariat unity and protection of amar. It will lead to esoteric deviations and dreams and karamats.
Silahkan dilihat ini, jangan hanya menyebarkan fitnah dan kebencian https://islamicmintnusantara.wordpress.com/2014/04/26/a-refutation-to-deviate-statement-of-fernando-umar-vadillo/
ReplyDeleteIni bisa menjawab kebohongan dan fitnah artikel di atas pernyataan diatas yang keliru dan perlu dibongkar dari kelompok Murahbitun atau saya sebut jamaah koin https://islamicmintnusantara.wordpress.com/2013/12/17/kebohongan-dan-fitnah-atas-tulisan-awas-dinar-dan-dirham-ilegal/
ReplyDeleteIni juga jelas menjawab fitnah dan kebohongan dari Vadillo https://islamicmintnusantara.wordpress.com/2013/11/24/penjelasan-tentang-mengapa-dinar-adalah-24-karat-bukan-22-karat-dari-abbas-firman/
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ReplyDelete(These coins are of the highest quality among all dinars and dirhams I have seen so far..) Kebohongan besar, dinar dan WIM/WIN ini cacat kadar, bahkan tidak bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran zakat fikih kontemporer https://islamicmintnusantara.wordpress.com/2013/11/24/penjelasan-tentang-mengapa-dinar-adalah-24-karat-bukan-22-karat-dari-abbas-firman/