Just to reflect back, in past there weeks of May and 2 June of 2007, our fuqara sons overhelmingly outnumber the old veteran and their fathers. Ha ha very encouraging signs. Anyway, the young travelers like to take the KL Monorail, LRT-Star or KTM Commuter rather than suffer the traffic jams especially at Jalan Hang Tuah leading to the crowded popular Bukit Bintang and Puduraya area.
Alhamdulillah, last night we recited Yasin and Tahli after Maghrib with the alBukhari Foundation people and feted to a sumptous dinner of beriyani, mutton, ayam merah, dalca and fruits, then after Isyak prayer, we joined the Ba Alawi or alHaddad fuqara in reciting the full Qasida Burda lasting about 45 minutes. We were given opportunity to sing in between Qasida od Ahimu Wahdi from Diwan Shaykh Muhammad ibn al Habib.
So after that event, we hold our short zikr at basement floor joined by SZ from Shah Alam, a close friend of AZM who now studying in Syria. Welcome also to Haji WN and wife NH from Wangsa Lake East, who pioneered the minting of Emas Dinar Kelantan with success in Kota Bharu supported by the state government. They are preparing a big Dinar Seminar in July 2007 inviting Umar Pasha, insya Allah to give lecture. We pray for success all the da'wa work fi sabilillah.
Our Muqadim gave a short talk on his encounter with our Shaykh in 1978 and his visit to a zawiya in Moroccan Souhtern Desert. The awliya told them: ' Here Islam is losing ground and being isolated, go to land/place where Islam is growing and in need.' He indicates that our da'wa shall be in land of West or our homeland where the light of Allah are needed by people after being colonialized and secularised. Tasawwuf is the journey of ihsan where we must fulfill our basic Islamic practices/ibadah and our iman/aqida is correct.
He quoted a reply by a Turkish man who said Islam is in the heart !. This is a wrong answer. Islam is outward, iman is inward and unseen, not the other way round. Our amir later informed us the latest development and activity. He asked us to use fully the space and freedom given by Bukhari Mosque for teaching and dawa and meeting with various jemaah.
We end our blessed night with Salawat Najiyya from our Diwan as follow:
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of Muhammad
with a blessing by which You will save us from every fear and harm.
Supply us with all our needs by it,
and purify us from all evils by it,
and raise us to the highest degrees by it,
Through it, let us attain the furthest goal of good
in this life and after death.
O Allah, in this hour send down some of Your good
and Your baraka on us as You send it down
on Your Awliya-Friends and
send us what is kept for Your Lovers.
Let us taste the coolness of Your Pardon
and the sweetness of Your Forgiveness.
Spread over us Your Compassion which encompass
all things. Sustain us with Your Love,
Your Acceptance, our renewal in You,
Your Counsel, Your response to our asking
forgiveness and well being, taking in the present
and the absent, the living and the dead
in Your Mercy. O Most Merciful of the Merciful,
O Lord of the Worlds.
Notes on Maulid Celebration With Abu Bakr Rieger at The New Masjid al-Bukhari of Kuala Lumpur in Mac 2007:
ReplyDeleteWe thank Allah Tabaraka wa Taala for the gift of Islam through His Noble Messenger and the Companions who embodied it, polished it , taught, transmit and struggle/fight to spread this Light to the East and West.
We are honored to be present at the maulid gathering organized by Amir of Kuala Lumpur for all fuqara, some from Penang, Kedah, Johor, Port Klang and four special guests. One is our dedicated Rais Abu Rieger from Germany also the chief editor of Islamic Zietung weekly paper, President of Muslim Lawyers of Europe. Accompanying him are AMS of Cape Town.
Then we unexpectedly welcome Amir A.Permadi Wijaya from Tanjung Pinang, Kepulauan Riau and the kindhearted wife Ibu Dr.Yeni. Bapak Hj. Huzrin Hood of Kepri Riau was supposed to be with us tonight but his vehicle broke down when traveling from Johor. May Allah be kind to him and enable him to arrive tomorrow to finish his great business and task with Rais Abu Bakr Rieger. He already broke the sensory barrier when giving bayat to him while still in the Cipinang Bandung prison in 2004 due to his dynamic struggle for autonomy of Riau Province during Megawati rule.
All praise to Allah, we were instructed to come early before Magrib to the newly built mosque beautifully blue colored and renovated from old waqaf land by the generous funding from Al-Bukhari Foundation. After greeting, salam and many embraces among the fuqara who have not met each other from North, South and Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, we recited the Surah Waqiah and Asmaul Husna from the Diwan of Shaykh Muhammad ibn al-Habib which took about 20 minutes. Zoom..just nicely ended before the azan of Maghrib.
With prior permission and blessing of the caretaker of al-Bukhari mosque and accompanied by the Imam, more than 40 people, wives and children and other guests were joining the recitation of Miftah al-Wird. Navigated by SH and later we sang the Qasidah Shamail from Diwan of Sh.Muhammad ibn alHabib in praising and blessing our Prophet remembering his mauled, the greatest gift of Allah as mercy and light to heaven and earth, jins, mankind and angels. Many hearts were moved, soften and tears and love were awaken for those who heard and absorbed the zikir, jalal, doa and glorification that pour out from the gathering. After Isyak prayer we continue with the Burdah of Shaykh Busiri.
At the end of the session, in an irresistible moment, suddenly Rais Abu Bakr Rieger took the mike and gave a short rousing speech, thanking Allah for his presence tonight. Thanking Allah for the amazing work of dawa by Shaykh Abdal Qadir as-Sufi that continued and spread wider by his noble fuqara and murid in the Nusantara.
He made doa that may Allah blessed this country with great, sincere and strong muslim leaders, raising up the true ulama and banner of Islam. He remind us only to rely on Allah Taala, to recognize His power and command, to honor/exalt,eagerly learn and obey the Shuyukh and Awliya. We ask Allah to bless our teacher and gave him the best people and resource for acting fisabililah. Amir PK of Riau was also requested to give a short speech on the community affairs and da’wa works in Indonesia which now got ribats in Medan, Jakarta, Bandung and Tanjung Pinang.
Muqadim SH gave a keynote discourse on as-Shifa of Qadi Iyad. He said: ‘ Our tawhid or shahada is not complete without ..Muhammadun Rasulullah. This is the key, after Quran, we took on, imitate, honor and fulfill all the rights due to Rasul s.a.w, adhering and embodiment of his Sunna, living wisdom and life transaction. Also the sunna of Companions may Allah be pleased with them because they absorbed it , the best transmitters and true inheritors among the early generations of ulama, salihun and awliya. Say if you love Allah, the follow the Rasul. You will be loved by Allah.
What is this love if not based on real knowledge of islam, of taqwa and pure sincerity that give furqan/discrimination to the muminun. By taqwa, false and haqq became clear. Separation is sharia. Following the rules, halal and haram is furqan. Ibadah or worship is also furqan plus deep wisdom and marifa. Those modernists who against Mawlid Celebration of the Prophet, against the Burdah and praise and salawat upon Rasul s.a.w are missing this point. Where are their love. Politics and economic alone cannot solve our dunya problems and conflicts.
We end our notes today with doa from Diwan of our blessed great Master:
O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Messenger, the unlettered Prophet and his family and Companions and grant them peace as great as the number of Your creations and Your pleasure and the weight of Your throne and
The inks of Your words.
Fill our hearts with the lights of Your marifa
So that we may witness Your all Sustaining Gatheredness overflowing in all created things.
O Allah, open our inner eyes to your watching and contemplation through Your generosity and overflowing, and illuminate our secrets to the tajalliyyat of Your Names and Attributes through Your gentleness and nobility
And annihilate us to our metaphorical existence in Your real existence through Your forbearance and favour.
And make us have baqa-going on by You, not by us, preserving Your Sharia and the Sunna of Your Prophet. You have power over everything and answering becomes You.