Jam 7.15 pagi di Institut Semazen, bangunan kayu 2 tingkat berbalam hijau biru diselaputi kabus pagi dan penduduk Miyazaki masih tidur nyenyak. Cahaya suria baru saja menyinar lembut dicelah ufuk timur Gunung Fujiyama. Maklumlah musim salji sekarang di Jepun sudah tak menentu. Suhu diluar 18 Celsius dan kalau di Malaysia…28 Celsius dikira normal. Kena pakai baju/kot berlapis.
Kami dipanggil oleh Master Izi Kurashowa melalui anak buahnya, Atikato: ‘ Zhao san…Dr.Anqaravi ! Our master invite your honorable self to participate on the lesson of Ta Hsue at 8.00 am this morning. We will wait you at Kenji Tatami Tea Room just 100 meter left to your suite. Please also bring along your text and commentary of Maulana Rumi. We think he may ask you something on ‘the language of Sufis and China sages’.
‘My master, the philosopher Chang says’:
‘The Great Learning is a book transmitted by the Confucian school,
and form the Gate by which first level students enter into virtue.
That now we can perceive the Order in which the Ancients scholars
pursued their knowledge is solely owing to the preservation of this work,
the Analect and Book of Mencius coming after it.
Seekers must commence their Path
with this and then it may be hoped,
they be will kept from Error (by Heaven).
James Legge footnotes: ‘ I have pointed out, in the prolomegna, the great differences which are found among Chinese commentators on the criticism and interpretation of it. We encounter them on the very threshold (of early Islamic texts equivalent). Kung Ying-ta says,’ It is the highest principles-Li. Chu Shi definition is contrary- the Tao of Great Learning is –
To cultivate illustrious virtue (te’);
to renovate the people; and
to rest (firm) in the highest excellence
(of complete human nature/spiritual capacity).
He explained it further, ‘ Te’-virtue is the metaphysical part of men nature, all comprehended under the terms- mind, soul, heart and spirit’.
Master Izi quoted then the Oracle of I Ching;
‘In observing the signs, the superior man (chun zi)
stand in awe of the Ordinances of Heaven (Tian)
he follow and carried out the
Teaching of the Sages (Sheng ren) and
he obey/submit to the Great men-king/rulers
(of wisdom who combined the inward/outward/Ta ren)’.
Siapakah para Guru/Filasuf yang dipanggil ‘Shengren’ dalam ajaran china klasik tersebut ? Teks itu bersambung dimuka surat 108 para 5:
‘Such a rulers/sages (ta ren/sheng-ren)
illustrating his ‘virtue’, constitute an example
(model/pattern) to the world for ages.
His Acts are for ages a Law to the kingdom.
His Words are for ages a Lesson to the kingdom/people.
Those who are far from him look longingly for him;
those who are near him are never wearied with him….
He may compared to heaven and earth, and
below he was conformed to the water and land. (p.109)
It is only he, possessed of all SAGELY qualities
that can exist under heaven, who show himself
quick in Apprehension, clear in Discerning,
of far reaching Intellect and all embracing
Knowledge, fitted to exercise RULE; (p.112)
Magnamious, benign, mild, fitted to Forbearance,
Impulsive, maintain a Firm Hold, Self Adjusted,
Grave, never swerving from the Pivot and
Correct-Truthful, fitted to COMMAND Reverence,
Accomplished, distinctive, concentrative,
Searching and fitted to exercise Discrimination.(p.113)
part 2:
ReplyDeleteAll embracing and vast, he is like heaven.
Deep and active as a Fountain,
He is like an Abyss. He is seen-KNOWN and
All people REVERE him,
He speaks, all people BELIEVE in him.
He ACTS and the people are all Pleased with him.
Therefore his Fame overspread thru out
the Middle Kingdom-China
And extends to all barbarous tribes/race/Nation.
Wherever ships and horse carriages Reach;
Whatever the strength of men Penetrates;
Whenever the heaven overshadow and earth Sustains;
Wherever the sun and moon Shine;
Wherever frosts and dews Fall;
All who have blood and breath unfeignedly
HONOR and LOVE him. (p.114)
Hence it is said: He is the equal-gift of HEAVEN.
Who can know HIM, but he who is indeed
Quick in apprehension, clear in discernment
Of far reaching intellect, and all embracing
Knowledge, possessing
all heavenly VIRTUE-TE’ ? (p.116)
Setelah tamat Master Izi mengupas kitab Ta Hsue and Chung Yung yang dinukil dari Buku-ANALECT, TA HSUE AND DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN, terjemahan Inggeris oleh JAMES LEGGE ,1921. Saudara boleh cari, rujuk dan periksa dengan hati berdebar apakah rujukan ini fiksi, khayalan penulis dan ilham langit biru dan angin Nusantara bulan September. Silakan beritahu jika sudah terjumpa dan hamper menitis air mata sahabatku Kamal Koh. Muzakarah kami berhenti sebentar untuk menimati hidangan teh Jepun oleh Atikato dan murid setia Masako.
Dr.Anqaravi berkata, ‘Bagaimana manusia moden berupaya memahami dan mengarap ilmu dan ajaran kitab klasik lama samada dari Tradisi China, India, Greek atau Islam jika mereka hanya mengetahuinya melalui cermin hati dan musik pendengaran berasaskan bahasa ibunda bangsanya atau bahasa Inggeris. Jika Bahasa Arab kita belum mahir jangan cuba fahami Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi yang berkarya dalam bahasa Parsi ! Mungkin terjemahan dari qalbu yang suci dan bercahaya boleh membantu pencari yang dahaga.
Nota kaki : Segala puji bagi Allah Tabaraka wa Taala yang telah menemukan pencari dengan seorang guru Sufi mutakhir yang juga amat meminati falsafah china, tao dan zen. Diantara karya, buku-buku dan tokoh filasuf Timur yang pernah dinukilkan beliau adalah seperti berikut :
· Lao Tzu -Tao Te Ching (The Book of Strangers)
· I Ching and Feng Shui (Way of Muhammad)
· Zen Koan Collections of Mummonkan dan Blue Cliff Record( The Diwan of Darqawa).
· Master Pai Chang and Yung Ming (Journal Darqawi Vol.1)
· Zen Master Dogen Kenji– Shobogenzo (Root Islamic Education)
And Cosmology of I Ching, Lao Tzu/Chuang Tzu
·I Ching: Embrace The Tiger (Essay-Gestalt of Freedom)
·Buddhist Dry Laughters (Indication From Signs)
·Ancient Tao teachings (preface to The Meaning of Man)
. Yin-Yang (The Way of Muhammad)
· Zen masters (The Hundred Steps)
· Chin Ling, Yung Ming and Chien Kang (Ihsan Poem)
· Buddhistic pessimism (The Ten Symphonies)
· Tao and Zen (preface to The Seals of Wisdom)