Yang tolong menjawab dalam forum saya adalah dari seluruh dunia (tak kira lagi yang memuji sampai over) seperti Peter Shen (China), Eldir Thomassen (Belanda), Michael Judd (UK), Steven (Australia). Kalau tidak, akan datang lagi banyak ocntact kerana website saya adalah 24 X 7, tak tidur pun walaupun kita nyenyak tidur. Ia di akses dari seluruh dunia. Saya cerita ini semua bukan kerana ingin menunjuk-nunjuk atau merendah2kan lagi mereka yang sudah memang rendah.
Saya cuma want u not to be fired in New York, but u can fire people in New York. Ini mudah tercapai dengan. 2 bulan lagi kod MFGSCm akan dilepaskan kepada dunia. Berdasarkan rekod Compiere atau mana2 kod yang berharga, yang mendapat 750ribu download dalam 3 tahun singkat, dengan 50 pelanggan berbayar, dan beberapa kontrek tertutup, saya yang merupakan salah satu dari 4 orang yang menjadi custodian kod tersebut akan menjadi terlalu berharga. Saya tidak mampu pun menjawab kontrek2 yang bakal menanti di Eropah. Saya mahu outsource ke Uniti_IT. Jangan sebut Jepun yang menjadi sasaran saya.(Jepun adalah ekonomi kedua besar dalam dunia - both physical and siber. Dan Jepun adalah yang paling disparate dengan bahasa Inggeris yang merupakan kekuatan saya).
Maka pasaran kami bukanlah disini atau disana, tetapi merata2 dan juga saya tidak perlu meninggalkan kolam saya ditengah hutan ini untuk melakukan projek! Ini terbukti semasa saya membantu anda untuk mendirikan Compiere dalam ofis.
Ialah adalah satu petanda dari mukjizat yang dilafazkan oleh Jibrail a.s. kepada junjungan kami s.a.w. di gua Hira pada malam Lailatul Qadar. Mesti ada sebab.
Dan mesti ada petanda untuk manusia akhir zaman.
Allah berjanjji dan Allah sebaik-baik Pejanji.
But u may ask, "Apa yang Allah janjikan?". Allah sudah menjanjikan Rezeki anda (but not your Iman). Maka i tak faham why we lost so much time on rezeki finding.) Allah menjanjikan Ilmu tadi serta memberikan tools nya, but why we refuse to grab it. Allah menjanjikan alam ini tunduk kepada anak Adam. but why we refuse our destiny?.
Siapa itu Donald Trump? Dia makhluq biasa. Siapa itu Bill Gates? Siapa itu (berikanlah nama idola anda). Dan apa bezanya dengan kami?
Allah janjikan minta dari Dia dan Dia tunaikan. Dan dia berjanji akan mampu menjatuhkan mahupun menaikkan sesiapa yang DIa ingini.
Semua ini saya harap kami mencapai kejayaan yang sebenarnya dunia wa akhirat, dan dengan Izin Nya jua.
Sekian saja kuliah subuh dari secebis kilauan akalbudi Anak Naga yang atuk moyangnya berhijrah 100 tahun dulu dari Benua Utara dan berpindah dari Bamboo River dan kini menjadi master Streamyx ,partime farmer and full time ruler of Kuang sub-district with 4 active,wild, running ponies and horses plus many goats and fish in the pond :
Akulli Qauli hadza, astaghfiruLlahal Azhimli wallikum,
wasalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.
(Atas segala yang diucapkan, saya memohon ampun
dari Allah, bagi pihak anda, salam..)
This Edict/Royal Scroll was issued from:
t.r. Amir Kapitan Sidi Red One (Red1)
c/o Headquarter of Neo Matrix Networks
Dated – circa 18 August 1998,
Bird Valley of Kuang, Bamboo River
Under Sultanate of Sharif ad-Din
Nota : News terkini sd Red1 telah bina Adempiere setelah bercerai dengan Compiere atas prinsip perjuangan mulia, bukan keuntungan kapitalis.
Thanks REd1,
We had planted your name with 'idhin', special weapons and created a vast/sensory empire for you many years ago.From Riau to cape Town and from Chiapas to Inverness etc.. and valueless time and secrets from the noble company of Sidi Umay Pasha/Bey. He taught and entrusted you with a kingdom not seen by many eyes and not heard by ordinary ears. All directly from the ones whom we taste, drink and surf beyond our natural borders.
We have been blessed by Allah tabaraka wa taala with many awliya, fuqara, salihun, strangers and also many enemies, both within and without.We told our restless friends, hold back, be patient, work you away out, ahead and go where no real murids of sidi shaykh had ever ventured. One story was retold- a faqir sent to a far continent and he did not come back. no news and no one know why. Our shaykh send a second neo matrix. He arrived at a small town, saw many people prayed with this man, wearing dirty boots. He shouted at this people,remonstrated with his companion and chase these people out.
The first faqir said to him,' I took 2 years to get this people back to the deen, wash and pray with their boots on. You chase them out and shouted/find wrong with us in just 10 minutes ! Get out and report to our Shaykh, you are fired and must be punished !
So sidi redhuan, we make doa that Allah will help and expand your initial success in the Alam Compierean and its networks. More see the light of islam, some get the perfume of ihsan and also make a living if not tons of halal rezeki. For two hours we labored to find, extract, edith and re-script your first command:
'Belajarlah Realiti Hidup dan Compiere Dari Sidi Redhuan Oon'
Dear all matrix friends and new comers who yet to meet dan talk face to face with an Amir with only one pure chinese disciple, how we have failed to recognize him, assist,strenghten, befriend/soothen him and seek out his little dots and tots..
.until the right time, place, people, with right knowledge and a flurry of action crashing the sensory/meaning barriers. Perhap we use the wrong words and at the wrong forum. Allah....Allah...Allah. Wa ma taufiqi illa bi'Llahi aliyyil azim.
Cai jian.
untuk baca blog redhuan daniel oon, sila ke
Hembusan angin sejarah tahun 2007:
ReplyDeleteThe Private Life Project
By His Grace i write. I remembered our master did talked about the human condition in these days. On how we have become the 'private life' with concerns that consumes the whole of our life such as 'life-long career', 'bank loans' which are all dunya-based they are individualistic in a limited and materialistic sense.
There are those who have even more grandeur designs such as imbuing those career paths with so called charitable activity such as building institutions that justify world aid and looking at the human condition as 'humanistic' and 'fatalistic' rather than adamic or in the true karmic created condition of success at the
final akhira.
Many do have such words still lying in the books and those books in some bookshelves and so i will dispense academising further as some charlattan journalist would - to mix words between ..the real people and fiction..
What i here take upon responsibly in my posting to this newsgroup is that i just received an SMS from SK.. and we should honour such a man
of our age. We should place ourselves at his feet and take instruction from him.
All i have done in my life, and u know what i have done so far, is nothing, just nothing compared to someone who has done great but in the right direction. And these last years i began to learn on what is the right direction.
Indeed i have found no other shaykh or teacher who speaks of this concentric circles so subtly and sharply that we cannot have zikir in the inner circle when our outer realm of muamalah is filth besides filth.
And that this shaykh has gone forth and brought so many into Islam is so overwhelming for me who also having come to this path by Allah's Grace. But how do i place my condition after that act of taslim ? Do i return to the human condition that i find myself before? I did try to bring my people into islam. I hardly brought any except my own children. And they arent even chinese.
Back to nasihat from what i am able. I wish to say well or not at all. I wish to say here on how i observe of a man who has left his world. Who has gone on a journey. Who has acted not by his wish for he has none anymore.
When this man was here last month, i took as often as i have done before since i first encountered him about 6 years now. I will make the pilgrimage to wherever he is and wait in case he passes my way. Whenever possible he would tell me what i do not know.
Latest i have a chance to sit for some hours with him and he told me how the teacher suddenly ask him to leave for Indonesia. He said he tried to evade, giving excuses, that he just came back from a journey and hardly able to be settled, his clothes are with the dry cleaner. With the dry cleaner? The Shaykh showed a queer look. He told me that indeed that was the most idiotic reason that has ever come in between a murid and his master. And the look from the master brought those thoughts into his mind.
The teacher has an instruction. He asks you to leave at once. He asks you to leave for a land most far. He asks you to return to this journey of the nafs. Nay , its a journey of the sharia. Nay, its the journey to Allah.
He left the dry cleaner and took the journey. He went without inkling of the cost. He landed with Amir Abbas of Jakarta whom i know himself to be broke. Abbas issued out a call for funds. Some came running to assist. I did not. I also classify myself equally if not more broke that time.
But what this journey brought? He then told me how he has stayed for 3 months and that he can see thousands if not millions coming to the sharia and to the muamalah of madinah. On how he sees my role to advice in the e-dinar system.
...continue in part 2
part 2, with minor editing:
ReplyDeleteAgain as before i would always voice my terms and conditions against the e-dinar. That an electronic system without enclosure from the banks is futile. That the repository of the gold must not be centralised in one hand. That the system administrator has final access and not the sultan.
That any wakala within it with percent of profit is unacceptable to me till death.
As usual he will say that he places this in my hands and i become the amir of it and command it. As usual,i would return that trust and ask him to issue fatwa on it.
This time we discussed about the terms and we agreed the following:
1) That the gold will be in the hands of the guilds and they shall now be the 'banks'
2) That there be sharia above the amirs of the guilds. That there must be cutting of hands if the gold is abused.
3) That the e-dinar system be a closed system away from the paper money banks and circulate among the guilds seeking for all exchanges within themselves.
4) That the e-dinar system be public property not vested by any higher state other the guilds
themselves. The guilds form the council for the
governance of e-dinar.
He then expressed to me his fear of previous
experiences where others failed him.
Upon those words i reached out my hand to this man from the West for the very first time (previously both sides has refused to do this. When he asked me to be a chief, i turned down twice. When i asked him to do a fatwa he has not done so) in bayat of allegiance that i shall advice on that for Indonesia 27 million strong guilds under Pak Adi Sasano.
About 6 years ago i received the very same request from then the Rais, but i saw present condition as of no avail. I was even more broke, in a farm as a farmer with no web access.
I did what i could only do. I made a doa, that Allah helped me. And then i made a trip to Cape Town to see the teacher for the very first time after all this years of been a journalistic murid of his books.
I did not get a chance to have any conversation with our venerable master. But he said twice when he greeted us. "Now that is someone familiar" pointing in my direction.
Inside the house, he brought Umar's kids and again said in my direction, "Now that is someone familiar".
If anyone knows if the master always said that to any visitor then tell me. Anyway soon later, i breezed thru cyberspace as now with the ADempiere Bazaar and have benefited from knowledge, experience and people for a
cyber-based financial system. But i was still broke, until about 2 months ago. Right when Sidi Yahya Schroedder the musafir from Potsdam stepped into my home, that rezeki poured into my home. I received RM45,000.00 this 2 months, more than the whole year before. I hope to dispense of my credit card debts, and the RM3m projects here quickly to my new company and work closely with him full time. To do what is required of me and not be bothered with the impression of the life career path that has so imposed on billions of people.
That was part of my humble doa. Things have happened to me by Allah so i expect Him to continue doing so. I pray that i see through all this and know what is more important. This is payback time.
I m writing this to remind myself at least.
Adiinul Nasihat. Nasihat begins from the self. To the self. It has always always been the self.
@ Red1 (a rebel general with a different army and cyber terrains)
part 3 : a response anynomous
ReplyDeleteIm truly touch with what you said and the need to help our leader. That was the first question our master asked one of his student. There are times in Darqawi letters and practice that mutual teaching and reminding are recomended.
Of course there are often didactic methodology. This is the beauty of our path. If we are just waiting for instruction from particular person before we move, where than is our hearts.
Look at the Teacher and his student most of the teaching are not from seating in circle. It is by company. It can be from a mundane situation
like Red1 describe. When in the circle than it is different.
The meal together or coffee with fuqara is equally important. But to lump everything in few hours in a week. It is not enough. One must remember that the Moussem is the celebration of the master birthday but look how he turnover a dunya celebration into a power house. Everyone attending will carry the light back for their own community to share.
It looks like this brave traveler be long here, make full use of it seize the opportunity and remember this is not an instruction just mutual
remainder like the one you did and enjoy what the hearts bring and Allah brings the heart together.
Salam, cai jian...