Old Poem of 19.11.2007
Many seekers are being called travelers of the Path
but no one can claim to be a full sufi yet.
A traveler may arrives or get lost on the Way.
The Forest of Dunya is never kind to travelers
who enter it without a tested Guide.
Without a Weapon of Tawhid.
Without a Light of Discrimination-Furqan.
Buying sufic books and reading many old jawi
or Arabic kitab/texts of commentaries cannot help one
to see in the night of modernists anti-sufi.
On daytime the goats from the University Farms will attack
and chew up the green books because they are very hungry
and not trained well by their Masters and Dukturs
who prefer to feed them with spiritual empty grasses
and syllabus from the Orientalist wastelands.
(Dont ask me who is Master Hsue Tou and Wu Ming, too late to learn mandarin and read the Zen Koans of Blue Cliff Records translated by Thomas Cleary)
Quoted from Divine Love written by Faruk Dilaver, via Yunus Emre: Love and Peace
ReplyDeleteEvery existent thing is assumed to be one of the divine names and attributes of God. For this reason Yunus, one of the great lovers says,
“I will call You, my God, with the stones
and mountains.”